My "blog"

Unsolicited commentary on a variety of topics, ranging from my old application materials (emulate at your own risk) to book reviews, and I'm sure much more randomness in the future.

A review of

A review of "Dopamine nation - Finding balance in the age of indulgance" by Anna Lembke, M. D.

Dr. Lembke introduces us to the "age of indulgance", and how overindulgance impacts our brains, how we can reset, and how to live with balance and fulfillment in a Skinner box.

A review of

A review of "The rise and fall of the great powers" by Paul Kennedy

In over 500 pages, Mr. Kennedy puts the world power and economic landscape into the context of the last 500 years of world history, and prognosticates what will come next.

A review of

A review of "Technopoly - The surrender of culture to technology" by Neil Postman

Mr. Postman, in his unmistakably direct, eeirily profound, and occasionally sarcastic way, foretells of a society where technology dictates culture to consumers. And it's hard to say he's wrong.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Materials

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Materials

Here are my materials and reviewer comments on both of my NSF Graduate Research Fellowship applications.